Wabi-sabi Home Finding Beauty In Imperfection. 5 Practical Ways Wabi Sabi Can Be Incorporated at Home. Wabi-sabi is a Japanese term that essentially means finding beauty in imperfection.

Make do with what you have. Embracing wabi sabi is all about recognizing the beauty in humble and imperfect things rather than always needing or desiring more. Its an Eastern philosophy thats a tool for personal development that can help people lead happy and peaceful lives.
Living a lifestyle the Wabi-Sabi way one is more connected to nature and thus better connected to our truest inner-selves.
This book written by Mark Bailey and published by Ryland Peters Small which was released on 11 June 2019 with total pages 208. Embrace the ancient Japanese philosophy of wabi sabi and appreciate the imperfect impermanent and incomplete. In terms of looks youll also find that an earthy palette of browns greys and greens goes well with the overall restrained aesthetic of wabi-sabi homes which tend to have a moody but cosy feel. Broken down further the modern-day meaning of Wabi in itself means rustic simplicity the quirky understated elegance in things and in life.