Wabi Sabi Tea House. The concepts of wabi-sabi correlate with the concepts of Zen Buddhism as the first Japanese involved with wabi-sabi were tea masters priests and monks who practiced Zen. Traditionally in Japan Sen-no-Rikyu developed the concept of wabi-sabi through tea ceremony.

Wabi Sabi and the spirit of the Japanese tea. The concepts of wabi-sabi correlate with the concepts of Zen Buddhism as the first Japanese involved with wabi-sabi were tea masters priests and monks who practiced Zen. The walls of the the entrance is painted according to the color of the tea room reproduced by Sen no Rikyū and the craftsmen carefully finished using the walls of the original house.
The tea ceremony was originally devised to help Zen monks remain.
Also the fragrance makes us relax. The Wabi-sabi tiny house was built in 2018 in Terrebonne and Portland Oregon. 109 likes 117 talking about this. February 17 2020.