The Slow Oxidative Fibers. Slow twitch fibers are referred to as slow twitch oxidative. Slow oxidative fibers are the least powerful fibers but are the most fatigue resistant.

Slow twitch fibers are referred to as slow twitch oxidative. These fibers are small in diameter and high capillary density. Serabut ini merupakan peralihan dari slow oxidative fibers dan fast glycolytic fibers.
In slow oxidative fibers slow is for having the ATPase that hydrolyze ATP slowly while oxidative stands for the aerobic respiration pathway for metabolizing glucose.
These fibers have a rich capillary supply numerous mitochondria. Type I fibers are characterized by low forcepowerspeed production and high endurance Type IIX fibers are characterized by high forcepowerspeed production and low endurance while Type IIA fall in between the two. These fibers are small in diameter and high capillary density. Slow oxidative fibers are the least powerful fibers but are the most fatigue resistant.