The Slow Journalism. Slow journalism as a movement is finding traction both within academic and industry spheres. Journalism publication Narratively uses the term slow journalism to describe original quality in-depth human-driven stories that might otherwise fall through the cracks.

Can Slow Journalism Save Us From Hyper-Sensationalized Reporting. Modern news production is filled to the brim with reprinted press releases kneejerk punditry advertorial nonsense and churnalism. Matthew Lee is an associate editor and a co-founder of Delayed Gratification the worlds first Slow Journalism publication which launched in 2010 and recently celebrated its 10th birthday.
Journalism publication Narratively uses the term slow journalism to describe original quality in-depth human-driven stories that might otherwise fall through the cracks.
They question the seemingly objective truth of capitalism that growth is good and endless. It developed as a response to consumers feeling worn out due to the endless streams of news wherever they go. A compendium of artifacts and discourses about Slowness in media news journalism and communication. Rob Orchard is the Co-Founder and Editorial Director of The Slow Journalism Company.