The Slow Food Movement. Slow food is a movement that brings together activists producers cooks consumers and everyone who believes that we can make a change in the food system. The focus is not only on nutrition but also on preserving culture and heritage as it relates to food.

The slow food movement is a global initiative focused on encouraging people to stop eating fast food instead taking the time to prepare and eat whole locally-sourced foods. While these ideas about food are very much a part of the Italian culture Slow Food is not confined to Italy. The Slow Food approach is based on food that is good clean and fair.
Included in these definitions is the notion that food should be locally sourced sustainable and non-GMO.
The slow food movement was created to counteract fast food and the lifestyle that accompany it. Included in these definitions is the notion that food should be locally sourced sustainable and non-GMO. The slow food movement was created to counteract fast food and the lifestyle that accompany it. The slow food movement is a global initiative focused on encouraging people to stop eating fast food instead taking the time to prepare and eat whole locally-sourced foods.