The Slow Elevator Problem. If you are accelerating upward you feel heavier and if you are accelerating downward you feel lighter. The real problem may lie in the cramped elevator lobby its drab surroundings or your guests uncertainty about when the next elevator will arrive.

It would appear that the real problem was not The elevators are too slow Instead the real problem was Guests get annoyed while waiting for the elevator Defining the problem statement differently leads to different solutions. If you are accelerating upward you feel heavier and if you are accelerating downward you feel lighter. The owner has many options to fix this seemingly slow elevator issue.
If she automatically assumes that the problem is that the elevator is too slow she will probably look for mechanical solutions like upgrading the engine or retooling the algorithm.
Disney faced a similar problem. Stagger break times for the staff in the building so not everyone is using the elevators at once. Free-fall And its going downwards with an acceleration g 98 ms2 due to the effect of gravity. Free fall Case 5.