The Slow Carb Diet. The glycemic index GI of a carbohydrate is a measure of how quickly it raises your blood sugar after digestion. Eat the same few meals over and over again especially for breakfast and lunch.

Basically on the slowcarb diet you choose one from each of the following categories for your 3-4 meals every day. The Slow-Carb Diet is a rapid weight loss method that Tim Ferriss says is the only one besides the extreme Cyclical Keto Diet that blasted stubborn body fat from his waist. Its the slow-carb diet aka low-glycemic index diet and if you havent already heard of it you will.
According to the slow-carb diet it is best to consume a breakfast that consists of at least 30 grams of protein within an hour of waking.
Tim claims that by following the slow carb diet people of all ages including himself his parents and strangers on the internet have been able to drop up to 20 lbs in one month. What stuck with me more than anything was The Slow Carb Diet Tim shares. The glycemic index GI of a carbohydrate is a measure of how quickly it raises your blood sugar after digestion. He claims to have lost 25 pounds in 6 weeks using this approach and many others have found success with it as well.