The Farm. The Farm When Im not busy crafting I love reading and trying new products for our family. Over the last 50 years The Farm has become known for many things natural childbirth and midwifery healthy lifestyle gourmet vegan cuisine creative arts and performance permaculture and carbon farming advanced electronics and alternative energies ecovillage design and networking and its partnerships with and support for indigenous native cultures.

There are four green trees. The name is used for specialized units such as arable farms vegetable farms fruit farms dairy pig and poultry farms and land used for the production of natural fiber. With Nora Yessayan Alec Gaylord Ken Volok Rob Tisdale.
With tree-lined sidewalks and convenient curbside parking youll always find something fresh and unique.
The Farm was always on budget and on time. Take over the family farm and fill the barn with hay. Originally a family farm it has grown into a unique flexible and award winning full-service events venue. The Farm is a stable of creative geniuses.