Mako Upgrades Mass Effect. Looted omni-gel is acquired from defeated enemies tech containers and as a reward for completing quests. The M35 Mako is a fictional vehicle that appears in the Mass Effect video game franchise.

I can tell you it needs to be sung from the. But there is one major change thats flying under the radar and having played the 2007 RPG over a dozen times. Mass Effect Legendary Edition will have an optional upgraded Mako.
However players can also break down weapons armor and unused upgrades to receive omni-gel as a byproduct.
However the Geth Incursion Side-Quest is a pain with the Mako. However the Geth Incursion Side-Quest is a pain with the Mako. Legendary Edition trailer was on the way the Makos improvements see it. When we talk about updates made to Mass Effect with the Legendary Edition remasters most people mention the graphical updates and changes made to the handling of the Mako vehicle which in my opinion didnt help that much.