Mako Iwamatsu. Mako was born Makoto Iwamatsu in Kobe Japan on December 10 1933. Mako is a firebender from a multicultural family who grew up on the streets of Republic City as an orphan with his younger brother Bolin.

His parents remained in the US working for the Office of War Information and at the cessation of the conflict were granted US. Hänestä tuli Yhdysvaltojen kansalainen vuonna 1956. Joulukuuta 1933 21.
Who is Mako Iwamatsu.
Mako was born Makoto Iwamatsu on December 10 1933 in Kobe Japan to Atsushi Iwamatsu and Tomoe Sasako. His parents remained in the US working for the Office of War Information and at the cessation of the conflict were granted US. Mako always wore his signature red scarf that was once his fathers who was murdered along with his mother when he was a boy. Iwamatsus character Po-han is a coolie on the gunboat and becomes friends.