Mako Eyes. There are quite a few theories when it comes to this subject. Whatever was causing the smell had obviously been around since the school had closed for Winter break.

Besides its electrical uses the elite Shinra task force. I dont know I could be wrong though. This is my first time handling urethane eyes so I cant say how they compare to pricier eyes but I can say that their quality is way superior than silicone or glass eyes.
Cloud opened his eyes to find light streaming through his bedroom window and creating patterns with the dust mites.
A tell-tale sign of individuals who have had extensive treatment or exposure to Mako energy Mako Eyes is the term used to refer an otherworldly bright glow in the subjects eyes. Mako eyes is a store located in South Korea that sells urethane eyesIts well known for selling at a lower price compared to more popular brands like Enchanted. Urethane eyes reflect light better than Acrylic eyes. In the late 1980s and early 1990.