Lady In Waiting. In 1684 Mme de Maintenon was made first lady in waiting to the dauphiness and in the winter of 1685-1686 she was privately married to the king by Harlay archbishop of Paris in the presence it is believed of Pere la Chaise the kings confessor the marquis de Montchevreuil the. The meaning of lady-in-waiting is a lady of a queens or a princesss household appointed to wait on her.

Lady in Waiting. LADY IN WAITING My Extraordinary Life in the Shadow of the Crown By Anne Glenconner. It is the older ladies-in-waiting who will remember Philip when he was youngerThe memories will be.
Female attendant de una reina camarera nf nombre femenino.
Lady in Waiting. Lady-in-waiting - WordReference English dictionary questions discussion and forums. A woman whose job. Lady in Waiting.