Lady Beast. The Lady and the Beast. 100 years after her death Empress Martina the founder of the Carabella Empire reincarnates as Astina Lette the daughter of a count.

Manga Lady Beast is always updated at Kuma Translation. To get away from it all she agrees to marry the war tyrant Duke Ginger of Landall Kingdom. Omens sprinkles a dust on The Poisoned Path from which LADY BEAST summit.
100 tahun setelah kematiannya kaisar wanita Martina yang mendirikan Kekaisaran Carabella bereinkarnasi menjadi putri dari keluarga bangsawan biasa Astina.
100 years after her death Empress Martina the founder of the Carabella Empire reincarnates as Astina Lette the daughter of a count. Hidup dalam ketakutan dan kesepian. Julia was talking bad about Elisa in front of ginger who was actually Elisa and then ginger Ho was in Elisas body show up. The Lady and the Beast.