Humble House Hot Sauce. This hot sauce is like a Mexican version of the famous South-East Asian cousin Sriracha. Its rich and smoky from the mild Morita pepper a smoked red jalapeƱo and slightly sweet from tamarind.

But its been a long road paved with intentions blood sweat and hot sauce. Here is another beautiful sauce from the San Antonio kitchen of Humble House made with red Jalapenos and smoky Guajillo chillies. Reminiscent of grandmas classic table salsa this sauce will make you miss home.
Humble House Foods which has been a cornerstone of the Pearl Farmers Market since its early days recently landed its big break in this years H-E-B Primo Picks Quest for Texas Best competition.
A new crowd favorite here at hot sauce HQ the Humble House Ancho is a sauce that begs to be squeezed on everything. A complex spicy blend of fully ripened red Jalapenos Guajillo chiles garlic. Its hard to be humble when you produce a popular line of handmade all natural artisanal hot saucesbut the folks at Humble House havent let success go to their heads. Regular price 949 Sale price 949.