Home Studio Peter Zumthor. It is illustrated throughout with color photographs by Laura J. Continuando ad usare il sito accetti lutilizzo dei cookie.

Cultural architecture Landscape architecture Religious architecture. Inside Peter Zumthors Mentor Program. His personality as was profiled in 2011 by The New York Times is as austere as his buildings so when.
Peter Zumthor who together with Vincent van Duysen is the reason why I decided to change my career path and change Psychology for Interior Design and it might also take me to finally study architecture.
Peter Zumthor Familien AG Haldenstein Collaborators. A man of a few but very serious words who does not like exposure his studio does not even have a web site or self-promotion. Studio House Zumthor is Zumthors home and studio in Haldenstein Switzerland. Peter Zumthor has 5 projects published in our site focused on.