Home Studio Outboard Gear. I havent the vaguest idea. As home studios evolve into their maturity They begin the inevitable process of phasing-out their budget desktop gear In favor of the pricier but generally higher-quality rackmounted gear commonly seen in pro studios.
Both these devices truly embrace the whole concept of hybrid recording studio setups and workflows. In 2018 the singer paid 34 million for her Hollywood Hills mansion above the Sunset Strip and soon outfitted it with a home studio. The only outboard gear I would really start with in this situation is maybe a couple of preamps especially if we are talking a fairly modest budget.
Both these devices truly embrace the whole concept of hybrid recording studio setups and workflows.
This is just one of the huge racks of outboard gear in JJPs private mix room at Oceanway Recording in Hollywood. Outboard Gear for Home Studio Beyond. Filter down by room colors number of monitors and more to find your perfect studio. Ultimate Support MS90 AmazonBHThomann So that concludes STAGE 2.