Blackrock Foundry. Raid Finder Wing 1. It has 10 bosses and serves as the source of Tier 17 gear.

But all of this new content does NOT come with Patch 61. Normal mode between 10 and 30 players using the flex system. Blackrock Foundry is a raid in World of Warcaft WOW whose entrance is located in Gorgrond on the continent of Draenor in the World of Warcraft game.
Slagworks is the only wing in which you can choose to start with any of the two first bosses Gruul or Oregorger.
Blackrock Foundry is a 1030-man 20 Mythic raid in Gorgrond introduced with Warlords of Draenor. It has four difficulties LFR 25 Man Normal 10-30 Heroic 10-30 and Mythic 20. The end boss of Blackrock Foundry is Blackhand. Raid Finder Wing 1.