Black Rockfish. Black rockfish are an opportunistic predatory fish that typically feed in the water column on zooplankton Dungeness crab larvae Cancer magister syn. The Black Rockfish Sebastes melanops is a member of the Rockfish and Scorpionfish or Scorpaenidae Family and is known in Mexico as rocote negro.

The black rockfish is commonly found in shallow water including the intertidal but may be found as deep as 366 m. As an important aquaculture fish species the black rockfish Sebastes schlegelii Hilgendorf 1880 is widely distributed in the coastal areas of Northern China Japan and South Korea. In black rockfish the upper jaw extends to or past the rear of the eye and the anal fin is rounded.
My first saltwater fish a Black Rockfish was also my second third and fourth saltwater fish.
Metacarcinus magister and fish species such as herring Clupea harengus sand lance Ammodytes hexapterus and Puget Sound rockfish Sebastes. Black rockfish deep fried and with sauce poured - black rockfish stock pictures royalty-free photos images. Black rockfish feed on zooplankton crab larvae and small fish species such as herring and sand lance. Black rockfish are an opportunistic predatory fish that typically feed in the water column on zooplankton Dungeness crab larvae Cancer magister syn.