Black Rock Shooter Dawn Fall. Setelah visual pertama yang menampilkan Black Rock Shooter Empress pada bulan kemarin website ofisial untuk Black Rock Shooter DAWN FALL sebuah proyek seri anime baru yang terinspirasi oleh karakter original buatan ilustrator huke telah memposting key visual kedua animenya dan menampilkan karakter rival dari sang BRS Dead Master. The project which comes under the title Black Rock Shooter DAWN FALL will be the first anime project for the character in nearly a decade.

It is set to be released in 2022 exclusively through Disney. Black Rock Shooter started as an original. BlackRock Shooter Main Dead Master Supporting Staff huke Original Character Design Motoki Tanaka Director Makoto Fukami Series Composition.
The project which comes under the title Black Rock Shooter DAWN FALL will be the first anime project for the character in nearly a decade.
By Carley Garcia October 8 2021. DAWN FALL TV Anime Project Officially Announced. Black Rock Shooter. The anime series is scheduled for a Spring 2022 airing.