Black Rock Quarry Hidden Area. To find this secret area players need to enter the Black Rock Quarry and keep to the left. Pick up the Security Clearance Level 5 and go through the door and into the service elevator.

To find this secret area players need to enter the Black Rock Quarry and keep to the left. Pick up the Security Clearance Level 5 and go through the door and into the service elevator. The Federal Bureau of Control uses the quarry to mine for Black Rock a material highly valuable to them due to its ability to negate paranatural effects.
Enter the room turn left look up and levitate up through the hole in the wall.
Crossroads This hidden location will be located on the north side of the Crossroads. This whole way is to get you to that big area on left side of the map called Black Rock Quarry. Find the Black Rock Quarry in Control. Again you will need to have completed the mission Old Growth to get mould sporepoison gas immunity for this hidden area.