Black Rock Quarry Control Point. Use DrUnderhills pills to access this area. Continue until you reach the next elevator leading this time to the excavation site.

The locked door is connected to the room the Control Point is in. Now youre in Black Rock Quarry. The Black Rock Quarry section where you are looking for extra items is a bit confusing.
The Quarry Threshold also known as the Black Rock Quarry is a Threshold located in the Maintenance Sector of the Oldest HouseThe Federal Bureau of Control uses the quarry to mine for Black Rock a material highly valuable to them due to its ability to negate paranatural effects.
Upon getting to the area where the door is youll unlock the Ability. On the table next to the TV you will find access card 5. When youre ready keep heading towards the Black Rock Quarry. In the logistics control point youll find a wall.